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Serve with us at East Hills Moravian Church

We are encouraged to put their faith into action by getting involved in ministries best suited to our talents and time. By putting our faith into action, a greater understanding of Christ’s purpose is awakened in us.


Below are a few of the many opportunities to serve. We invite you to visit our faith community and let us know how you would like to be involved. Your talents and interests can make a difference on your street, in our community, and in the world.

Freezer Ministry and Garden Gatherers

Freezer Ministry and Garden Gatherers is a ministry that has its home at EHMC. Our members serve with this ministry and generously support it by assisting with meal preparation and distribution of meals as well as fresh produce to area schools.

Joyful Noise and A Can-a-Week

These two ministries help support the Northeast Community Center food bank in Bethlehem. The Joyful Noise collection occurs during worship on the last Sunday of every month. Tin cans are used to collect loose change (and bills too) which when passed and shaken makes a Joyful Noise. These cash donations are used to purchase food items for the Northeast Community Center’s food bank to help keep their shelves, freezers, and refrigerators adequately stocked. A Can-a-Week encourages us to remember those with food insecurity whenever we shop, and to bring non-perishable food items to church every week for the Northeast Community Center’s food bank.

Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering

Through demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ, we provide shelter and a caring network of support to restore hope to people experiencing homelessness in the City of Bethlehem. East Hills has been part of the Shelter since its inception with multi-site locations until today’s single site at Christ UCC Church, 75 E. Market Street in downtown Bethlehem. East Hills members, friends and family members remain strong volunteers at the Shelter, which runs from mid-November to the end of April. On the second Saturday of each month during the sheltering season our volunteers help prepare and serve dinner to about 70 guests at the Shelter. Our volunteers also prepare and serve lunch one day each month, usually the second Sunday, for the Weekend Bagged Lunch Program for our community neighbors who may be experiencing food insecurity.

Victory House

Victory House is located in Southside Bethlehem and provides shelter and support resources to Lehigh Valley homeless men and homeless veterans to help them transition to independent living and new lives. For many years, we have helped to support their mission by providing made-from-scratch dinners for their residents. Each month a five member team of our volunteers shops and prepares the food in our kitchen and then delivers it to Victory House. Our volunteers then cook and serve the meal. They also eat and socialize with the men during the meal. Volunteers are needed to grocery shop, bake dessert, help prepare the food, and cook and serve the food at the shelter. This would be a commitment of a few hours 2-4 times a year depending on the number of volunteers available.

ShareCare Faith in Action

ShareCare assists elderly and disabled persons by providing transportation to doctor appointments, grocery shopping, and other critical appointments at no charge. Our members serve as board members and volunteer drivers for this critical mission in our community.


Members of East Hills have been walking in the Church World Service CROP Hunger Walk to fight world and local hunger since its beginning in Bethlehem over 30 years ago. We join thousands of other churches and organizations across the country in this effort. It supports food, water and self-help projects around the globe, as well as local food pantries. What connects Christians to the teaching of our Lord, better than the feeding of the poor, both physically and of spirit? Join us for the walk in October or donate to support a walker.

Book Buddies

Our members serve with Governor Wolf Elementary School (next door to the church). Each week we send teams to the school where children read to us, and then we read to them as a way to help encourage and build up young learners in our neighborhood.

Neighborhood Relationships

Our congregation works to help strengthen our neighborhood by bringing people together throughout the year for dinners, events such as the annual Community Car Show, Community Yard Sale, and working with Governor Wolf PTA to serve both students, families and school staff.

Music Program

Choir (high schoolers and adults): Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:15-8:30 pm and the Choir typically performs every Sunday during the 10:30 am worship service. Being able to read music is not a requirement but it is helpful with the number of pieces we work on every week. All voice parts are welcomed.


Handbell Choir (4th grade to adult): The Handbell Choir typically performs 4-5 times a year. Reading notes is not a requirement, but basic music knowledge is helpful. We will teach you how to play the handbells if needed.


Praise Band: Guitar players and other rock instrumentalists are welcome to play during worship services as we sing our praise songs. The choir is always in need of instrumental accompanists as well. Let us know if you play an instrument and are willing to play during worship!


Joyful Horns: Before Easter and Christmas Eve services, horn players serenade us into worship. All musicians are welcome.

Teaching, Leading, and Fellowship

Sunday School: You can participate by teaching, organizing or attending Sunday morning Christian Education classes (9:30 AM) for children and adults.


Youth Groups: You can serve as a leader for our Middle School and High School youth for fellowship and fun activities.


YAM: Young Adult Ministry mails care packages to our young adult members in school, the military or the work force. We hope to encourage them through the difficult transitions of young adulthood and remind them that their church family is there to support them. We accept donations of non-perishable items and postage.



1830 Butztown Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017-3210
Phone: 610-868-6481 / Email:
Office hours: Monday–Thursday, 9 AM – 3 PM 

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