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Worship with us at East Hills Moravian Church

We gather regularly as people of faith to worship. We have opportunities to gather both in person and online every week. Our worship includes among other things, the reading of scripture, praying liturgies, a message of hope, and a variety of music, both traditional and contemporary. Our worship also includes people, and when you participate in worship with us, you will sense the love we have for Jesus and for one another.

Worship Times

Regular: 10:30 AM / Summer Hours (Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend): 9:30 AM


The Moravian Church recognizes two Sacraments: Holy Communion and Baptism. Services of Holy Communion are shared periodically throughout the year. “In the celebration of this Sacrament we receive the renewed assurance of the forgiveness of our sins and of our fellowship with Christ; are united with one another as members of His Church; and rejoice in the hope of His return in glory.” (Moravian Covenant for Christian Living) We practice an “open table” which means anyone who believes in Jesus as their Lord and Savior may partake. Baptisms are held within the context of worship, when the entire congregation accepts the obligation to love and nurture the one baptized as they become part of our community of faith. Baptisms are scheduled upon request and approved by our Board of Elders.


On special occasions throughout the year, we share in a simple meal during worship called “Lovefeast”. The Lovefeast at East Hills is often a piece of sugar cake and chocolate milk, but the kind of food shared isn’t what matters. It is the spirit of unity in Christ and our Christian love for one another that makes the Moravian Lovefeast special.

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Summer worship.JPG

Advent and Christmas

The Season of Advent begins 4 Sundays before Christmas and is a season of preparation as we celebrate the Nativity of Jesus Christ at Christmas.


Each Sunday during Advent, another candle on the Advent wreath is lit by a young member of the congregation. The first Sunday includes the celebration of Lovefeast, a simple meal of a sugar bun and chocolate milk served during the worship service, while the choir sings Advent anthems. The weeks that follow are joyous services filled with lessons, carols and scripture passages that relate the Christmas story.


One of the most exciting times to visit East Hills Moravian Church is on Christmas Eve. The smell of beeswax candles accompanied by traditional Christmas hymns and the serving of a Moravian Lovefeast during our candlelight service enriches our understanding of the birth of Christ.


The Christmas Eve afternoon service is intended for the youngest members of our congregation and includes a Lovefeast and candlelight service, as does our evening service.

Lent and Easter

The goal of the Lenten Season is to enrich the spirit and draw closer to Jesus Christ through the lessons imparted by His Resurrection.


The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 6 weeks before Easter. The congregation gathers to hear the first message of Lent, to prepare them for the season.


Each Wednesday after Ash Wednesday, the congregation hosts a dinner followed by a short worship service and discussion time. All are welcome.


Palm Sunday falls on the Sunday before Easter. The congregation sings the joyous “Hosanna” and every member receives a palm.


Holy Week is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. Readings for Holy Week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday help connect Palm Sunday to the events that follow. A solemn worship service and Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday recalls Jesus’ trial and sentencing by Pontius Pilate. The worship service on Good Friday recalls Jesus’ death on the cross.


On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Worship begins with a service at dawn. Originally, this service took place on burial grounds, but East Hills, being established in the 20th century, has no burial grounds, so we carry the service outside (weather permitting) and view the sunrise in the front yard of the church as we worship, accompanied by a brass choir. A breakfast follows for all. An additional service at 10:30 A.M. celebrates the resurrection of Jesus with uplifting music and worship.

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1830 Butztown Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017-3210
Phone: 610-868-6481 / Email:
Office hours: Monday–Thursday, 9 AM – 3 PM 

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