EHMC Preschool Fundraiser

Need kids’ clothes?

Help support our preschool through our ongoing fundraiser with, an online store that sells great children’s clothes at affordable prices. Shop our special site: Use the code EASTHILLS when checking out. Information about registering for is available in the narthex and once you register through this program, you are eligible for an extra 25% off your first order. What’s not to love?

A Can a Week


“Nice cans!” by leosaumurejr is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Thanks, so very much, for your ongoing support of the Northeast Community Center Foodbank. Food supplies are constantly changing, and in order to help keep all the shelves filled, it is best to focus on those most-needed items. At the present time, the greatest need is 100% juice, as well as pasta sauce, and non-spaghetti type pasta. There is also a need for reusable grocery bags, in addition to the plastic bags already being donated. Please also refer to our Facebook page for the most current updates.