Ukraine Crisis Response

We continue to lift our prayers for the people of Ukraine.   Many of you have asked about ways to respond in faith, hope and love to the crisis in that region.   I share with you in this email, a way for us to participate in the organized crisis response through the Moravian Board of World Mission. 
Bishop Chris Giesler writes, “While we do not have Moravian congregations in Ukraine, folks fleeing the violence are crossing borders into places such as the Czech Republic.  Our Moravian partners there are already hosting refugee families and we want to assist them in this ministry of compassionate hospitality”.   

Sister Betsy Miller encourages us, “Please visit for more information from the Board of World Mission to learn how you can help our brothers and sisters in the Czech Province who are preparing to welcome refugees coming from Ukraine. As Moravians, we know this story deep in our history – as Herrnhut became home to refugees 300 years ago.

Please remain in prayer as the situation continues to unfold, and respond as you are able to the support the work of the Church in that region,  at this time.

In the Joy of the Lord,

Crop Walk 2021 update

Date: Sunday October 10, 2021

Time:  Walk  1:00 PM

Where: Louise Moore Park

Distance:     1.1 to 5.5 Miles (based on # of loops you walk)

This year’s Walk will be different.  All the churches will not gather to walk as a large group.  There will be a signup/pledge station in the Narthex or you can donate online at –

With that said, hunger does not take a year off, so neither are we:

There are several options for those who want to participate in CROP this year. 

If you want to walk with a few of your fellow East Hillers, we will meet at Louise Moore Park, Pavilion #2 Sunday Oct. 10 at 1:00 pm.

If you want to do your own CropWalk, set a course and go for a walk.  

Not walking – Please support Church World Service CROP this year by stopping by the table in the Narthex or going on-line.

Have questions or need more information – contact Bob Wingrove 610 867-0537. 

Sunday Morning Coffee Class

Adult Coffee Class News and Line Up for Fall!  The Coffee Class has resumed it’s 9:30 AM start time and is a HYBRID of online and in person gathering!  We will meet in Fellowship Hall and on Zoom simultaneously with new subjects to stimulate faith and thought. 

SEPT 26—In Essentials, Unity: Understanding the essential things. A thought-provoking video lecture by Prof. Craig Atwood followed by discussions.  Materials at: In Essentials, Unity: Understanding the essential things | Moravian Church In America

OCT 3—Rabbi Singer of Congregation Brith Shalom will speak about recent threats of anti-Semitism against his community, how, as people of faith we can be of support, and about the High Holy days. 

OCT 10 and 17th —“Responding to Christian Nationalism”—a short course to help understand how this movement, which is present in some parts of the Moravian Church, contributes to actions like those taken against Rabbi Singer’s Congregation, and other minorities, and how we as individuals and a church can respond effectively. 

NOV 7 & 14. Riddick Weber will speak about historical perspectives on Moravian Mission and church planting and include how East Hills’ mission has evolved both intentionally and reactively, as food for thought in moving forward. 

As always, ANYONE participating in the class can propose topics of interest to discuss as it relates to our faith and lives today


East Hills is starting a Medical Equipment Loaner Closet to help those with short term and long term needs for smaller items that are often not paid for by insurance. It is also the answer for those who would like to unload usable equipment from their basements that are left over from prior needs.

First, the ground rules: NO HOSPITAL BEDS OR REGULAR SIZED WHEELCHAIRS. All equipment must be clean and in safe, working condition. Acceptable items include bath seats, raised toilet seats and commodes, portable bed rails, walkers, crutches, travel wheelchairs, reachers (grabbers), sock aides, long shoe horns. Donors can reclaim their equipment at any time if they need it.

Items will be accessed only by closet coordinator(s) in order to keep track of inventory availability and condition. Contact Karen Montgomery at 484-894-0604 if you wish to donate, or have a need for equipment. Karen is a retired Occupational Therapist with vast home care experience, and will help you determine your needs ,help set the equipment up properly, and ensure that you can use it safely Karen also is trained in home safety assessments for recommendations for modifications and is happy to help you with these needs as well. East Hills is not liable for any injuries incurred while using the equipment. Current inventory includes a car swivel disc, commode, raised toilet seat, portable bed rail, shower seat, tub transfer bench, rollator walker (with seat), travel wheelchair, long shoe horns, sock aide, compression sock aide.

We are looking for a back up coordinator in case Karen is not available. This person would be instructed in the use and set up of devices.

Christmas Eve 2020 “Good News of Great Joy!” with East Hills Moravian Church

The Worship Committee and our staff are pleased to offer the following unique opportunities for worship on Christmas Eve this year:

4:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve with Kids: An interactive Lovefeast & Light Service.

Our Children’s Service will be on Zoom. This service is designed with our youngest worshippers in mind, but children of every age will find meaning in our time together.

  • Bring your favorite cookie or sweet treat to the screen for Lovefeast.
  • “Christmas Eve with Kids” Worship Kits will be available at the church for pick up on Mondays starting December 6. Local delivery available if requested…call the office. 
  • For children who join us from out of town – items needed in advance will be a gift box ornament (template found online), a paper strip, a glow stick or flashlight or candle, and a bow.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 893 9537 6003
Passcode: 504104
Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Note: This is an EXCELLENT opportunity for you to invite your out of town grandkids, nieces and nephews and others to worship with you on Christmas Eve… joined by technology and united in love!