Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services

Christmas Eve, East Hills Moravian Church, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Well, it’s finally here -the most beautiful time of the year.

No, not back-to-school, CHRISTMAS!

There will be three Christmas Eve Services at East Hills Moravian Church this Saturday: 4 PM, 7:30 PM, and 9:30 PM. Each service is roughly one hour and is a candlelight service with a lovefeast. The 4:00 service is a bit more kid friendly and is held in the Family Center in order to accommodate our many guests. The later services are both held in the sanctuary.

***Please note that there is usually an overflow crowd at the services in the sanctuary so please come early to get your seat. There will be plenty of music beforehand to help you get into the spirit.

Christmas Day there is one service in the sanctuary at 11 AM and no Sunday School.

Come one, come all and celebrate the joy of the season with us at East Hills Moravian Church!

(P.S.: If you’re unfamiliar with the Moravian faith, we invite you to join us for this celebration. You can read more about our Christmas season on the Advent page of our website, which describes our traditions and what exactly is meant by “Advent” and “lovefeast”.)