Parallel Spiritual Evolution?

Sometimes science unwittingly provides us with language to describe our faith experience.

The term “parallel evolution” is used by biologists to describe the emergence of similar characteristics in species that are not closely related in response to a common environment. Porpoises and dolphins, for example, have tails and fins like fish even though they are mammals. Indeed both so resemble their fishy cousins that people of earlier times thought they were fish; the name “porpoise” actually comes from two Latin words meaning “pig fish.” Evolutionary biologists believe fish, dolphins, and porpoises evolved their fins and tail structure in response to the demands of living in a watery world.

Could something similar occur when persons from different backgrounds seek to live their lives immersed in the living water of Jesus Christ? (See Jn 4: 10-15).

Recently the Moravian Church, Northern Province announced a “festive service” on February 10th at 6 pm  to celebrate the full communion agreement between the Episcopal Church and the Northern and Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church in America. You can find full details here.

In preparation for this event I surfed on over to the website of the local Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem. There, I soon discovered the mission statement of Bethlehem’s Cathedral Church of the Nativity: “To know Christ, to make him known, and to serve all people according to his example.” East Hills Moravian Church’s mission statement is “To know Christ, and make him known.” To my knowledge no intentional borrowing took place.

Coincidence? Subconscious borrowing? Persons of faith would answer no. “There is … one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4: 5-6). All who seek Christ and share his Gospel swim together in the same living water. It is no surprise then than our mission statements are in such close agreement.

Readers familiar with both biology and ecclesiology (the study of the Church) will already have realized that this is not a true case of parallel spiritual evolution. Moravians and Episcopalians share a common source in Jesus Christ. We are far closer kin than fish and dolphins. Christian denominations may have travelled separate historical and spiritual journeys, but all trace their origin to the Church Jesus established.